Management / Administration
ebody file manager
It begins with digital bed planning and reservation and extends to the admission and discharge of patients. The ebody administration solution provides a complete administrative overview of patients, including the invoicing of payers and insured persons.
Organise your patients & your success.
Check-in & check-out
With ebody you can record all relevant administrative and medical information on patients in a single system. Starting with the master data and insurance data, through to the billing of additional services at discharge.
Accounting and controlling
By combining all data from ebody medical point and ebody care station, all patient-relevant data are generated for billing purposes and transmitted to cost units.
ebody informs you about your daily patient status and provides monthly reports and evaluations.
Digital bed and OP planning
The graphic bed plan gives you an overview of your available capacity and occupancy situation. Your operating theatre resources are also displayed graphically and can be clearly planned.
Thanks to ebody's ELGA conformity, all results and reports are created and transmitted accordingly.
Diary and resource planning
With ebody you have a universal diary that allows you to manage and plan your patients efficiently.
Document management
All documents, such as correspondence with insurance companies regarding cost coverage, are stored centrally in the patient file and can be retrieved at the click of a button.

Das Ende von IS-H Med – Gibt es eine Alternative?
Die Ankündigung von SAP über das Wartungsende von IS-H Med bis maximal 2030 sorgt für Verunsicherung. Viele Gesundheitseinrichtungen überlegen nun, wie es weitergeht. Mit ebody, dem webbasierten KIS für Kliniken und Rehazentren, bieten wir eine starke alternative Lösung.
Because you need software that runs when things get stressful.
Precise. Solution-orientated. Valuable. Just like your daily work.

The dashboard for your overview
Who is in the clinic? Who has a fever? Who is in pain? Or what about my patients' oxygen saturation right now?
The ebody dashboard THE_EGG provides an overview of a clinic’s structure. This means you can see at any time how many patients are in the facility, which specialism they are assigned to and which patients are still scheduled for the current day. Everything at a glance – graphically displayed.